Proof Marketing Planner™
Streamline your marketing operations with transparent planning, budgeting and campaign management. Take advantage of superior functionality for seamless collaboration across Sales and Marketing Cloud.

Real time view of all Campaign Planning, Customer Journey Touch Points & Marketing Activities
The Proof Marketing Planner™ provides an intuitive hierarchical structure with a Parent / Child relationship when it comes to Marketing Plans, Journey’s and associated Marketing Activities, supporting up to five levels within this hierarchy.

Workflow and Collaboration
The Proof Marketing Planner™ offers intuitive and real-time collaboration from right within the Salesforce platform interface through an integration with Quip. Being built natively on the Salesforce lightning platform allows the usage of standard Salesforce functionality like tasks to manage your workflow.

Budget and Asset Approvals
Track and record progress on budget and asset approvals and compare budgeted costs vs. actuals.

Reporting and Visibility
Leverage Salesforce reporting and Kanban view to report on any data field, including custom fields, and visualize campaign progress via the standard Salesforce Kanban view.